This film is so many things. It's disturbing, hilarious, shocking, sad and last but not least one of the great films about movies. It forces us to look at ourselves and shows the real danger in filming and being filmed; highly relevant in this age of surveillance and camera phones. The history of the film is interesting and also quite funny. After the first screening everyone walked out without saying a word to each other or it's director; the great Michael Powell. Very soon critics were attacking it, deeming it pornographic and sick. One even suggested it be flushed into the sewer. Meanwhile, Psycho (which was similar in some ways) was creating lines around the block and garnering acclaim from critics and eventually the academy. It perhaps says a lot about the power of this film that it managed to bring out the worst in those who saw it. But this film was revolutionary because it forced it's audience (what very little there was) to see through the eyes of a killer; not just any killer but one that filmed the expressions of fear on his victims as they die...

Thematically this film is fascinating; it is full of ideas about the human mind and cinema itself. Can filming someone be murder? As absurd as this is, perhaps there is some truth in it. Some cultures believe that when you take a photo of someone you take a piece of their soul. In one scene Mark is confronted by the blind mother of his girlfriend. Ironically she can see further into his soul than anyone with eyes can, and urges him to get the help he needs.

Powell's direction is simple but brilliant. The film opens with the ghastly murder of a prostitute seen through the lens of the camera (perhaps the opening of Halloween is a nod to this?). Then it cuts away to reveal Mark watching the act on a screen. There is a constant sense of coldness and isolation, as if everyone is trapped in a pair eyes, watching each other constantly. The use of colour and light is simple but bold. Mark's screening room is dark and has a menacing red glow. And there is so often an eerie echo of voices when characters are alone, as if in the void of Mark's soul. Leo Marks' script contributed greatly to Powell's vision. There is a lot of humorous dialogue to lighten the mood, and a lot of dark irony. The performances are comic and at times grotesquely exaggerated, as if belonging to Mark's diseased mind, and Karlheinz Boehm was perfectly cast; his gaze both chilling and sad. Ultimately Mark Lewis is so scared inside he can only relate to those who are frightened to death...he thrives on the fear of others...
Powell's brilliant masterpiece is a warning that constant filming and surveillance could destroy our souls, and also a personal warning to all those who sit in the dark and watch other people live (or die), to take a break from cameras and projectors for a while...shocking, funny and heartwrenching...but of course...it's only a movie...

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