Monday, 10 August 2009
Korine the Harmful has a new film coming...
It was made without any notice and has just premiered in Toronto. It's called Trash-Humpers, and it's supposed to be a Gummo-esque musical about a gang of freaks who go around doing anti-social things. Apart from that I don't know anything about it, but it's supposedly his most controversial work to date. Find out more at
Monday, 3 August 2009
I'm back...
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Twin Peaks Season 2 - a review... *MAY CONTAIN MINOR SPOILERS*

I love Twin Peaks Season 1 with a passion. For me it's the best thing ever to be commited to television. Sadly the same cannot be said for season 2 by a long shot. I can't believe how it changed so rapidly in it's second half from the 1st half and the 1st season, chiefly in tone and mood (and they're not good changes by any stretch), and the less I say about the story the better.
Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 1 is brilliant, and one of the best episodes of the series. It's creepy, ominous, blackly funny, disturbing and hypnotic, in fact almost a match to the brilliant pilot in terms of quality. As the investigations of both the teenagers and Cooper and the local law press on it maintains this quality; creepy, sad, funny, and always teetering on the edge of dread and chaos. New characters are introduced, like Harold Smith, an orchid-keeper who never leaves his house and owner of the secret diary of Laura Palmer. Lenny Von Dohen plays him beautifully, and the scenes he has with Donna are great to watch. A love triangle ensues when James starts falling for Maddy during a karaoke session at Donna's house. And it works, without ever straying from the story. The story continues seamlessly from the last series, with Audrey finding herself trapped at One Eyed Jacks and Cooper continuing his investigation through dreams and intuition. The next lot of episodes are for the most part brilliant, maintaining this tone; balancing on the edge of the frighteningly real and the hypnotically surreal, as Cooper has visions of a giant visiting him and giving him clues. And Albert Rosenflower returns, hilariously cynical as ever. But then the TV studio interfered. However, taking a step back for a second, I see no logic in revealing the killer halfway through the season in order to boost ratings, I mean it's basically taking away the centre of the series and leaving in it's stead a jumbled mess of loose narrative threads. And apparently the company made a bad decision, as the ratings plummeted after that, resulting in the series' cancellation many episodes later. So the television studio ABC made David Lynch reveal the killer in episode 16. And from thereon in it does seem quite rushed, although that episode is an absolute tour-de-force and one of the best of the series, and by far the most violent and frightening. The next few episodes are just as compelling as Cooper still tries to figure out who the killer is following another murder, but for the prominence of one highly irritating and unneccessary character; Dick Tremayne, a pretentious men's fashion expert who had a fling with secretary Lucy. This leads to an annoying conflict with the dumbstruck Andy which too often interrupts the more compelling events of the series.
But that dumb plot strand is just a taster of some of the more idiotic things that suddenly pop up in the second half of the series when it has no direction probably resulting from the absence of David Lynch. Indeed David Lynch does have a small but amusing secondary role through Season 2 as a deaf FBI chief who can't stop shouting. What's most striking about the second half of Season 2 is the complete change of tone. And it's far from positive. Season 1 and most of the first half of Season 2 was mysterious, darkly comic, artistic, melancholic, and deeply emotionally involving, and it all stemmed from the central brilliant setup of the murder mystery. It's narrative is perfect, the way the colourful characters' lives impact off each other is hugely entertaining and compelling and it flows seamlessly. And as I sat through the latter half of Season 2 I thought a lot about the first season, yearning to revisit it. The seed of the problem is of course the early revelation of the killer, and secondary to that, the absence of David Lynch and the hiring of too many writers to write in far too many quirky but far from charming characters, pointless tangents and stupid plots, such as Andy and Dick becoming amateur sleuths in order to find out if an orphan is the devil or not. That speaks for itself, I've got nothing more to say on that one. There's no serious heart to it, it's just comic relief for the sake of it. There are a couple of strands that are mildly amusing, such as ex-sleaze Benjamin Horne re-enacting the civil war. But that's all it is, it adds up to jack and shit. On a brief sidenote, I'm sick of people dissing Bobby. He's an excellent character in the series, going from unlikeable, to unintentionally hilarious, and he is very likeable; his relationship with Shelley touching and great fun to follow.

Monday, 6 July 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
INTERVIEW with filmmaker Paul Bortowski...
Welsh filmmaker Paul Bortowski is an up-and-coming abstract filmmaker. His films are simple but stylish and effective; nightmares concerning madness, discovery and isolation...
Andrew says:
So, how did you get interested in cinema, and at what age?
Paul says:
when i was a child i watched many classic films with my father. i watched many during that time, i think the main film that got me into that world was sergio leone's a fistful of dollars, ever since then i have been obsessed with film. i cant be sure on an exact age, i would say that i was roughly 7 years old
Andrew says:
well that's the perfect age, and a fistful of dollars is no doubt the perfect film; youthful, adventurous, majestic and thrilling. So what was it that really struck you about that particular film?
Paul says:
i simply very much enjoyed it, it was unlike anything i would of expected to of seen, especially at that age. i also adored the musical score of the film, i found it fascinating. ever since i first watched the film i suddenly became a huge clint eastwood fan, he was my hero and still is to this day, after now seeing his entire filmography
Andrew says:
do you prefer eastwood as an actor or as a director?
Paul says:
a difficult question, i would say as an actor. i love his performances, his voice, his rough looks, his visual presence is legendary to me
Andrew says:
what made you think about filmmaking and the process and becoming a director?
Paul says:
when the invention of dvd was released, i naturally seemed to watch all the special features, i found the technical processes of film making fascinating, hence i very much enjoyed watching making of documentaries, the very detailed documentaries, such as the 3 and a half hour docu concerning the making of blade runner. i learnt a considerable amount of knowledge just by watching these...
i then simply decided that film is the ruote i want to head, i then applied for a college course concerning this field
Andrew says:
how did you find the college course?
Paul says:
it was very beneficial, it concerned multimedia as well as film/media production-studies, so i learnt alot of extra knowledge in different but not entirely different subjects. it also gave me the oppoertunity to start making my own short films, which was essential to my needs
Andrew says:
was visitor part 1 your first short film?
Paul says:
no, visitor part 1 was a film that i made when doing my the next year. my first genuine short film, as i made several short productions previously, was dica, and even though it wa smade a year before visitor part 1, i still believe that it is superior in techncailities
*my degree the next year
Andrew says:
are you very fussy or self critical over your films, do you ever look back on them and wish you had done something differently?
Paul says:
when in the production stage of my films, i wouldnt say im very fussy, certainly not as fussy as kubrick was, there was time constraints when filming my earlier films which forced me to accept the not so perfect, yet sufficient shots. with my later films i would say that i am alot more fussy now yes, i take much longer to get specific shots. and i do look back at my films and wish to make changes
primarily concernin my earlier films
Andrew says:
does it get to you a lot, or do you overcome it?
do you ever think of doing a director's cut/
Paul says:
i do overcome it yes, i simply have to, there's nothing i can do about it now, i say to myself. but this early stage really is about developing oneself, so adapting from these potential changes, you learn to prevent them from happening again in the future, its all a work in progress, a gradual progression which exists visually throughout this early string of work
i havent actually thought about doing director's cuts, certainly not now anyway, i have ambitions to move onto different types of films now, i need to move on.
Andrew says:
so you're basically about learning from your mistakes? great way of doing things. do you see filmmaking as your primary outlet in life?
Paul says:
absolutely, i simply must create films, i love it, if a future within this subject doesnt happen, i certainly wont be happy. film and music are my primary ambitions, film most definitely is the stronger of those
Andrew says:
now let's talk about the films themselves, what is the primary inspiration for the Visitor series and how was it originally conceived?
Paul says:
i always wanted to make dark and morbid films, it was what i really wanted to make these past few years, i simply love to embrace myself in these disturbing and dark atmospheres. originally i never intened to make a visitor trilogy, i only thought i would of made one. either way i came up with the idea for part 1 by discovering the location that the end film is set in, the location was so dark and
gritty, that i simply had to make something atmospherically horrid within it, i then set out to write a script. for the stage that i was in at the time, i am still pleased with it, for what the film is in its own right, again its a working progress. my main concern with the entire visitor trilogy is the desire to explore derelict larybrnths and the atmospheric energies within those on par with
an assessment on the psychological reprecussions that occurs alongside these terrible adventures that my characters confront within the locations
Andrew says:
well it is a wonderful and atmospheric location, an abandoned church isn't it? The more I think about the third film, the more I see it as a study of rationality coming into contact with irrationality, the visiting backpacker coming into contact with the demonic phantom played by yourself. It's very simple in concept and execution, but very effective and memorable. Is this how you see it?
Paul says:
the location in the first film is an underground quarry explosive storage station, obviously now abandoned, the location in part 2 is an old farm house on the side of a mountain and the location in part 3 is derelict victorian school. i dont see it exactly as you described above no, the rationality part is interesting, although its not what my intention was, despite how reasonable that is.....
the visitor trilogy actually looks at the end result of the characters mind at the end of each film, part 1 states the characters achievement of personal enlightenment, part 2 is that of personal self-destruction and part 3 is that of personal revelation. the story for part 3 is rather subtle and simple indeed, as well as the end result, it is executed in a realist manner, rather than some...
over the top expressionistic manner. the character finds what hes looking for, evidence of paranormal activites and his revealtion of this exists by the fact that he is being haunted and hunted by an entity within the location, that entity is the main character from the first two visitor films, that is primarily the only narrative connection between all visitor films
Andrew says:
what were your main influences for those films in terms of certain films or filmmakers?
Paul says:
part 1 was certainly influenced by david lynchs eraserhead, that film always stuck with me ever since i first saw it, his execution of the atmosphere within the film on par with its surrealistic qualities was really striking for me. i dont have any influences concerning part 2 and 3, i had my own vision really that was partially based on personal experiences, which i shall not utter here in detail
generally my influences would certainly be david lynch, andrei tarkovsky and the film alien by ridley scott
Andrew says:
of course, i was just thinking about alien with the mention of isolated and derelict locations. Do you think Alien is very close to the Visitor films thematically?
Paul says:
certainly, the isolated and claustraphobic elements connect here for sure. also the theme of being haunted and/or hunted within this enclosed setting by an unknown entity is also evident here
Andrew says:
What do you think of the way cinema is today and the direction in which it is going?
Paul says:
well im certainly not a fan of the majority that comes out of hollywood, there is nothing daring or different coming from this area, it's all the same essentially. of course these films are primary for escapist pure entertainment, where some of them are good i will admit, but generally there is nothing striking within them, nothing to think about. which is why i simply admire foreign and independa
film makers, this is the ruote i want to follow
Andrew says:
yes, and there are many independent filmmakers who have broken into Hollywood and made big-budget, but great films, like Paul Thomas Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, the Coens. Do you one day hope to make a great film within the public consciousness?
Paul says:
well i wouldnt exactly call tarantino's films great, but thats just me. and yes i certainly do, i want to make some very daring films that will cause controversy simply because they will be expressing my not to popular views on the world, i really want to express these views, i feel that i need to, either way i will be in my independant films essentially, so all is good in that department
i have ambitions to make all sorts of films, i've passed on from the dark films (for now) i want to make a long string of films that is tied with versatility
Andrew says:
so what can we expect from you in the years to come?
or will we be surprised?
Paul says:
well i would like to make many realist dramas that contain tragedy and concern depressing and devesating issues within life, i am actually planning on starting these films later this year. with these dramas i would also like to focus on urban environments that the films subject matter will take place in, i want to focus on how filthy it is and gritty. as well as that i would like to make
several thrillers and many documentaries
Andrew says:
sounds quite similar to the work of Alan Clarke. Have you seen any of his films?
Paul says:
i have of course seen scum, which i thought was fantastic
Andrew says:
so are these going to be short films, or are you hoping to make a feature soon?
Paul says:
well the first couple of dramas i intend to make as shorts, after that however, i would like to make the majority of my films longer than 60 minutes
Andrew says:
sounds great, can't wait to see them. One last question before we wrap up, which of your films is your favourite and why?
Paul says:
visitor part 2 is my favourite, it focuses alot more on the mind, the setting is more enclosed and i simply adore my acting, far better than the ''acting'' in my other films, i put alot of energy into that performance, alot of heart and mind power and executing that at the same time as making the film was very exerting, and the results are find indeed. part 2 is definitely my favourite for
personal reasons of course, although part 3 would be my favourite on the technicalities deperatment, it is such an improvement on any objective level
Andrew says:
i was most affected by part 2 on a personal, but like you I do prefer the execution of part 3. well we'll have to finish up now, thanks for your time.
Here are links to the first parts of Paul's films, soon to hit festivals, the rest can be found in his profile or in the related videos section -
An interview with filmmaker Paul Bortowski once I figure out how to cope and paste from notepad to my blog (help would be greatly appreciated or I'll have to type it all up, if you have a solution, I will personally get in front of a webcam in tight-fitting panties and teabag you).
And hopefully another review soon.
I almost forgot to mention that I have some little ambitions for this blog. I'm thinking of starting vlogging, like thespoonyexperiment, one of my favourite websites. But for now it's just a little ambition.
FILM REVIEW - La Regle de Jeu...

Sunday, 28 June 2009
No posts for a LONG time...
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Apocalypse Now VS Apocalypse Now Redux...

Saturday, 30 May 2009
Seeing as I'm trying some different things now...
Friday, 29 May 2009
I'm back...
Thursday, 28 May 2009
FILM REVIEW - Crash (1996)...

David Cronenberg's Crash may be one of the finest films about sex in modern society. That statement may seem bold, but unlike the film I'm not going to understate or use any subtlety whatsoever.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
COMPUTER GAME REVIEW: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring...

I've been playing some games recently on the PC, old games I played as a kid or young teen, kind-of a nostalgia thing. Anyway, one of my favourite games as a kid was The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, an RPG adventure game based not on the film but on the wonderful book. And I hugely prefer the book to the film. In fact, now I can't really be bothered with the film. I think it's because the film is so different from my imagination of the book. For the most part anyway. I imagined the book to be gothic and creepy, whereas the film was loud and dramatic. I still did like the film a lot when I was younger though. But now come to think of it, when I re-read the book, I realise that my favourite part of it since a child was the first half of it. Basically, when the hobbits are in the shire, hiding from the black riders, navigating the old forest, and then traversing the wild lands towards Rivendell. Why? I'm not sure. I just love the creepy suspense in some of the shire scenes, as well as the banter of the hobbits and the sense of adventure and youth, and the mystery of my favourite chapter; "The Old Forest," missing from the film but a wonderful chapter. So this game is completely different in tone from the film and is closer to my imagination of the books, so you can see why it would have really appealed to me as a kid. I loved it as a kid, but recently I played it again, and while it brought back memories and was still quite wonderful to play, I realise now that it's flawed, and, well, not that good, but I was suckered in by a cool premise and couldn't wait to explore Middle Earth. Let's delve into it...

Okay, so it begins with an FMV of Galadriel narrating above the Mirror. In the Mirror we see the forging of the ring blah blah blah, and then Gandalf approaching Bag End and the ring in Frodo's hand. The FMV is a little bland and Frodo in it looks nothing like he does in the graphics of the game, but let's move on. It then cuts to a game cut-scene, and right away you notice that it looks wonderful. I mean, the graphics aren't great, but from an artistic point of view it's detailed and beautifully rendered, with rays of light beaming in on Gandalf and Frodo from the window. Gandalf and Frodo on the other hand, move and talk like robots. But that's not a problem. This scene is basically Gandalf telling Frodo about the ring (very suddenly and abruptly I must say). Right away you'll notice that the voices are really lacking in emotion, and that Frodo's voice is kind-of gay, but that doesn't really matter, and you get used to it. It ends up with Samwise being caught eavesdropping and then we cut to narration by Frodo, telling of the months passing with no sign of Gandalf. As in the book, it is many months before he decides to set out. The game begins in Bag End, where there is very little to do but get the deed and key for Bag End to sell to the Sackville Bagginses. The music here is nothing special, sounding like your average adventure game music. When you leave Bag End however, the music changes into this nice little score to fit the nice little setting of the shire. The controls for the game here are fine and easy, and moving is quick and efficient. You can talk to people, like Sam and some of the other hobbits. Sam tells you to meet Merry and Pippin at the Green Dragon in Bywater. Before doing so you can explore Hobbiton a bit and talk to other people, and complete small tasks which give you a feel for some of the o

But fuck it, we're in The Old Forest and Sam, Merry and Pippin are lost in amongst the trees. Again, this level is awesome in terms of atmosphere, but little else. You run down the path to find a tree blocking your way. When first playing this I didnt know where the hell to go, but then I figured out you just run back up and then down again and the tree is gone. What, no puzzle? Frodo exlaims - "This forest! It's as if it had a mind of it's own!" Yay, hopefully there will be more trees to block my way, and some puzzles related to them. Oops, my mistake the rest of the level is dedicated to running through a small and easy maze and fighting giant spiders. Wait, what!?! Giant spiders in The Old Forest!?!?! Since when!? Ah screw it, maybe there were and the book just missed them out. Yeah. So instead of getting any puzzles involving the trees, you have to run through a fairly linear maze of a forest fighting annoying spiders. This is where the game starts to get repetitive. Spider after spider after spider. It's as if they focused entirely on creating a wonderful atmosphere but didn't put any effort into the formation of the levels or what's in them. Once you find the other hobbits there's a cut-scene where they set up camp. After this you find yourself in the Withywindle valley where you basically just run for a bit through it, then find yourself at the boss; The Old Willow. Like the rest of the game, once you figure this out, it's laughably easy. And then you come to a cut-scene where...oh hell yeah, it's Tom!! One of my favourite characters! And then he tells you to find Lillies for Goldberry and leaves you. Great. And you come to probably the most infuriatingly repetitive part of the game, so much so that instead of killing the spiders I just take a runner through it and get the lillies, then go back to Tom. You have to talk to him, but this is no small task when he's marching around all the time, and the controls get a bit jarring here. But never mind, you talk to him and find yourself at his house, where he and Goldberry talk for a bit in a cool cut-scene that will please fan-boys. And then some narration where instead of exploring the Bombadil household and having some fun, Frodo basically talks about it, and then we leave after Tom gives us a chant. Great. I mean, it would have been nice to have at least some cut-scenes in the house, you know with some of the key parts of the story so far. But I can't really complain, I mean I wasn't expecting a movie, was I, I was expecting a highly playable, full game. Yeah! So then it's basically running up a hill fighting wolves, until you reach the barrow-downs, and there's another short cut-scene around a campfire. The next level is basically fighting ghosts in the Barrow Downs, repetitive but again fun if only for the atmosphere and hearing the ghosts fart when you hit them. There's a really cool boss at the end of the level, that's actually quite a challenge. Well not really, just more of a challenge than the others. You get another scene with Tom where he chants the Wight away and gives you blades from the Barrow Down before sending you to Bree.
And this is a cool level, where you meet Aragorn and get to play as him for the first time, going out to fin

But here repetition becomes evident too, with Aragorn running around killing Wargs. And the atmosphere is awesome too, with rolling hills that look like they go on for miles. However, they do not, it's a completely linear level that when playing you so often wish you could explore. Once you reach Weathertop, you find for the first time orcs, and they're quite hard, surrounding you and bashing you with clubs. So you climb high up Weathertop and again you can see cool scenery that fucking should be explorable. You get to the top and for the first time fight a troll, which is easy if you use your bow and arrows. But here's the problem that I have with the rest of the game. Fighting hordes. I remember first playing this game, it seemed hard and quite long, but now I think it's only because of the shitty frame rate my computer had back then. And anyway, it shouldn't be about fighting hordes, it should be about exploring Middle Earth and doing all the things that are in the book. And what's more, they take you to Lothlorien, which looks awesome, but give you no room to explore, just three rooms where you can talk to people and a ladder which leads you into a cut-scene. Why not just make the whole thing a cut-scene intead of having us pointlessly walking from A to B!?! What a waste. So the game, once completed, has little replay value, and isn't very fun in the second half. It's a quirky little game that's worth a try for Tolkien fans, even if just for the atmosphere and meeting Tom Bombadil. Moria is pretty cool, with a hard puzzle and a harder boss you have to be careful with, but the last level is just racing through hordes of enemies and fighting a stupid Nazgul, which is easy might I add. The only bonus in the game that might make you wanna replay it is meeting Gollum on the shore of the Anduin, where he gives you a fish to slap orcs with, killing them almost instantly, and making it easier and more pointless. Seriously, that's the only kind of bonus this game gives you. So the game should have been much harder (I completed it in three hours), much longer, and a lot less linear. Oh, and truer to the book. I mean, honestly, in the last level you have to fight a Nazgul on Amon Hen. Remember that from the book?
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Sunday, 5 April 2009
FILM REVIEW - The Player...

Wednesday, 18 March 2009
TWIN PEAKS Season 1 - A brief overview... *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

A couple of nights ago I watched the entire first season of Twin one night...the next day my eyes were burning, but it was worth it. Twin Peaks is funny, sad, terrifying, exciting, addictive and sometimes moving. It is a high-point in television history, paving the way for shows like The X-Files, and more than that, it managed to integrate wild surrealism into popular culture and made great auteur David Lynch a household name. By keeping strong surrealist style in balance with great story and character, Lynch managed to suck people into a world television had never harbored before. Critic David Thomson said in his entry for Luis Bunuel in the Biographical Dictionary of Film that surrealism is best suited to a mainstream audience, as it is both highly escapist and highly relatable. Twin Peaks may just be evidence of his claim, although the films of Luis Bunuel and David Lynch have never found a mainstream audience...but enough focus on the cultural impact of it, let's take a look at the show itself...
The Pilot episode - This is where it all started. Directed by David Lynch and created by Mark Frost and Lynch, this first episode is tight and dark, keeping the black humour and wild surrealism restrained (they had to convince studio people that this would be accessible). After the hypnotic opening credits (the robin a reference to his earlier Blue Velvet; thematically similar), we are see the somber face of an Asian woman, humming quietly to herself as if sensing that something isn't right. Then we meet Pete (played by Lynch favourite Jack Nance), a decent but hen-pecked man and his bitter wife. He goes out fishing, and this is where everything kicks into place, with the discovery of a body wrapped in plastic on the beach. Sheriff Harry Truman (shouldn't be too hard to remember) is alerted and arrives with his emotionally frail and endearingly simple deputy Andy and forensics man Will Hayward. They then discover her identity; Laura Palmer, local prom-queen, known by everyone and loved by mostly everyone. Shocked and appalled, they then decide to contact her parents. Then there are two particularly gut-wrenching scenes, the first in which her mother searches the house for her and calls around asking for her to no avail, the second in which her father, having been interrupted from a business meeting with Norwegian tourism folk, speaks to the distraught mother on the phone, only to be interrupted by the Sheriff, who informs him. The phone drops, and he and his wife break down emotionally. Then we are introduced to Bobby Briggs, Captain of the high-school football time and supposed "girlfriend" of Laura, who is making out with ditsy waitress Shelley Johnston in his car. A police car rushes past them and at the sight of a metal truck parked outside Shelley's Bobby freezes in fear. Then it takes us to Twin Peaks high-school, where the register is being called out in Laura's class. Bobby arrives late and is called into the office, while deputy Andy arrives at Laura's class asking for him, also informing the teacher of what has happened. In a harrowing sequence, Laura's best friend Donna Hayward (daughter of Will Hayward, the forensics man), senses something at the arrival of the deputy and the reaction on the teacher's face when told the news. Then inexplicably, a girl is seen out the window, running and screaming. Donna, her eyes widening, glances round at James Hurley; secret boyfriend of Laura and biker. Then she looks at the empty chair beside her and burst into tears. Meanwhile, Bobby is being interviewed by Deputy Tommy "Hawk" Hill and Andy, oblivious to what has happened. Upon hearing the news, he reacts aggressively, declaring some kind of phoney love for her. Then he is taken away. The principle, also emotionally distraught, makes the announcement to the school and lets everyone leave for the day. James rides away on his bike after seeing his uncle, "Big Ed" Hurley. Then another teenage girl is seen wandering across a bridge, tortured, raped and severely truamatised. And then finally we are introduced to the series' main character; Special Agent Dale Cooper, an eccentric hypomaniac who talks to an invisible entity known as "Diane" through a recorder. We first see him driving into Twin Peaks, admiring of the Douglas Firs and ecstatic about a slice of cherry pie he recently had. He then joins forces with the sheriff, and the adventures that follow this brilliant pilot are hilarious, tragic and mysterious...
(Feeling excited now? Look it out!)
But what makes this show work so well, even to this day? Well first of all, it has a great setting; a beautiful, autumnal town high up near the mountains, where the air is fresh but tainted with corruption. Secondly, it features a great cast playing great, compelling characters. The standouts include Kyle MacLachlan (Blue Velvet) as the hilarious, sharp, trustworthy FBI man, Michael Ontkean as the headstrong sheriff, Sherilyn Fenn as the bratty and manipulative but charming and seductive Audrey Horne, Lara Flynn Boyle as the sweet Donna Hayward, and James Marshall as the confused biker outcast James Hurley. We follow these characters through a story filled with love, loss and mystery. While Cooper, the Sheriff and his deputies investigate intensively and (mostly) professionally, the kids pursue their own line of enquiry into the death of their beloved Laura, learning hurtful and sad things about her. Laura. Laura Palmer, the dark, corrupt core of Twin Peaks, a symbol of the false sense of happiness and stability in Twin Peaks, a face as pure as water but tainted with sadness and desperation. Who was Laura Palmer, really? Will we ever know? Will the sight of her pale green face lying on the beach haunt us forever, eating at us like the worms inside her corpse? The mystery that is Laura Palmer is only seen in flashbacks and movies, her hair a golden blonde, her smile white and pure, her bright blue eyes flashing. Who couldn't love her and protect her, no matter her corrupt and lost soul? Sherilyn Fenn looks right for the part, and overplays it perfectly, as Laura only exists in memories and photos... However, the show is not perfect. It drags sometimes, particularly with the story of the Horne brothers and their exploits. Lynch was away promoting Wild At Heart sometime into season 1, so he can't be blamed for the odd misfiring plot strand...
But so many episodes are simply impeccable. They bear his trademark style; bold and frightening dream sequences, brilliant use of sound and image to create mood, visual and aural beauty and humour as black as midnight on a moonless night. The story unfolds with effortless precision, and the broken and disturbed characters are filmed with the same stark nakedness and soft tenderness that suffused his masterpiece Blue Velvet...
Highly recommended, even if you're not a Lynch fan...bewarned though, it is addictive...
Sunday, 15 March 2009
ENTRY no. 2 - Harmony Korine...

Harmony Korine was that rarest of things in the latter half of the 90s, a real trouble-man, a challenge to the industry in the media spotlight, much like Orson Welles in the early 40s. What that media attention might have done to him at such a young age is unclear, but one thing is clear; something kept him away from filmmaking for years. Was it his aborted "Fight Harm," which could have been a great physical comedy? Or did the controversy over his work and his place in the industry get to him? Who knows? It doesn't matter anyway, because he has a new film out, one that looks to follow the same themes as his other films, but in a softer tone...

Monday, 23 February 2009
FILM REVIEW - Peeping Tom...

This film is so many things. It's disturbing, hilarious, shocking, sad and last but not least one of the great films about movies. It forces us to look at ourselves and shows the real danger in filming and being filmed; highly relevant in this age of surveillance and camera phones. The history of the film is interesting and also quite funny. After the first screening everyone walked out without saying a word to each other or it's director; the great Michael Powell. Very soon critics were attacking it, deeming it pornographic and sick. One even suggested it be flushed into the sewer. Meanwhile, Psycho (which was similar in some ways) was creating lines around the block and garnering acclaim from critics and eventually the academy. It perhaps says a lot about the power of this film that it managed to bring out the worst in those who saw it. But this film was revolutionary because it forced it's audience (what very little there was) to see through the eyes of a killer; not just any killer but one that filmed the expressions of fear on his victims as they die...

Thematically this film is fascinating; it is full of ideas about the human mind and cinema itself. Can filming someone be murder? As absurd as this is, perhaps there is some truth in it. Some cultures believe that when you take a photo of someone you take a piece of their soul. In one scene Mark is confronted by the blind mother of his girlfriend. Ironically she can see further into his soul than anyone with eyes can, and urges him to get the help he needs.

Powell's direction is simple but brilliant. The film opens with the ghastly murder of a prostitute seen through the lens of the camera (perhaps the opening of Halloween is a nod to this?). Then it cuts away to reveal Mark watching the act on a screen. There is a constant sense of coldness and isolation, as if everyone is trapped in a pair eyes, watching each other constantly. The use of colour and light is simple but bold. Mark's screening room is dark and has a menacing red glow. And there is so often an eerie echo of voices when characters are alone, as if in the void of Mark's soul. Leo Marks' script contributed greatly to Powell's vision. There is a lot of humorous dialogue to lighten the mood, and a lot of dark irony. The performances are comic and at times grotesquely exaggerated, as if belonging to Mark's diseased mind, and Karlheinz Boehm was perfectly cast; his gaze both chilling and sad. Ultimately Mark Lewis is so scared inside he can only relate to those who are frightened to death...he thrives on the fear of others...

Wednesday, 11 February 2009
FILM REVIEW - Julien Donkey-Boy...

Where do I begin? This is a gut-wrenchingly disturbing and shocking film that is also disorientating and emotionally devastating in parts. It is from Harmony Korine, the director who brought us Gummo; one of my favourite films and what I consider to be a startling evocation of a time, a place and a people. I thought that film was very experimental; certainly in terms of narrative and style. I had another thing coming. This film is very different in style but definitely far more experimental. But when does experimentation become distracting?

This is not an easy film to digest. Unlike Gummo, it is cold and wintry; the cinematography very grey and gritty, and there is a constant sense of isolation. Well however shocking I find it to be, and however distracting, I believe it to probably be the closest cinema has come to capturing the worldview of a schizophrenic. Demented, odd, icy, but also tender, authentic, personal, and highly effective; surefire proof of the creative force that is Harmony Korine...